R'Tish Creations..where marketing matters...
Hi, I am Letitia Owens CEO of R'Tish Creations, I'm also a Marketing Strategist. I create innovative plans, manage brands and help my clients see the bigger picture of their business in a creative way. My job is to bring out the best ideas and hidden jewels to the forefront of the business that in many ways the client does not see themselves. I polish and tweak a great plan that is already in play. It is the “tweaking” that I would like to call the “art of the deal” If you want “sweet tea” you need to add a sweetener, we are the “sweetener” in the tea. Our ideas are like a high wattage bulb, we turn it up brighter for you to thrive!
Many years ago, back in High School, I developed a love of Photography, I saved my allowance and purchased a small dark room kit from the Sear and Roebuck Catalog. (I Still have remnants of it today, believe it) . it became a hobby of sorts I often invited my friends to homemade photoshoots in my back yard that I later developed in my darkroom in the basement of our home. I realized I had a gift, seeing the beauty in everyone, and I wanted to show by stepping outside of their comfort zone they could create a new image. It was a great introduction then, little did I know it was the beginning of something greater than I ever dreamed. Here's that formal introduction... How did I become a “Marketing Strategist”. I received my B.A. in Telecommunications and a Minor in Theater and Education from Michigan State University in 1982. At the time, I wanted to minor in Advertising, but the college was heavy in statistics with very little creative appeal. I opted out at that moment and put it on hold. There was no way I was a “statistics girl” I was creative and this did not appeal to me. Later, my professors approached me to minor in a new program in the college of
Education called “Creative Dramatics” using Drama to motivate learning. My minor would be split between Education and Theatre. It was weird at first, but when I saw the curriculum, it was a fit! They too saw my style and encouraged me to seek this new opportunity. They assured me I could keep my major Telecommunications, and invited me to check it out. I always had a love for Promotions, I was quite fascinated at the world of Television and Commercial Advertisement. “Creative Dramatics”
allowed me to motivate learning through Drama. I simply brought books to life and
taught “creative writing” to elementary school kids. “Where the Wild Things Are”
was one of my favorite books. It was something about motivating children to
learn that thrilled me. I wanted to come up with more ideas to test the waters.
I later produced a children’s program called “The Penny Arcade” I created an
advertising campaign that got so much attention I got a call from The Children’s
Television Workshop headquartered in Washington, D.C. I was terrified. They
wanted to investigate if I was programming in the BEST interest of children. I
explained, It was a small television show I created for children to get more experience in my major.. IT was The Marketing Campaign we had engaged around town and throughout campus that brought this unexpected attention to us. . It was then, I fell in love with Advertising and Marketing. Promotions could be my niche I continued to create small promotions for family members that grew into a business. It would be years before I would come full circle back to the world of Marketing and Promotions motivating ‘the art of the deal” through creative marketing strategies I had to put all of this on pause due to a down economy, because it was difficult to find steady work in my field, I began working for a corporation that had great benefits in travel. I traveled all over the world, but never lost my passion for marketing and promotions. I created a company bazaar where co-workers who were entrepreneurs on the side could show their work and make money.
After 5 years I left the corporate job and began my career as an entrepreneur, it’s been 27 years and I did not look back.
As I embraced my creative edge, I slowly returned to my first love “Promotions and Brand Management. I create strategic plans for my clients to engage over a period of 30, 60, and 90 days to ramp up their sales and create a better Brand for their companies. Our journey continues....